Cuomo puts Consumer-Directed Personal Assistance Program in Jeopardy; Workers, Consumers Fight Back

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposed State Budget 2019 would shut down an important program for home attendants and people needing home care and their families. Through the State Budget, which proposes to de-fund the CONSUMER DIRECTED PERSONAL ASSISTANCE (CDPA) Program, Governor Cuomo is hurting the health and welfare of hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers who give and receive home care. The CDPA Program allows New Yorkers to choose and pay a home attendant of their liking, including family members, who often already bear the brunt of care-giving responsibilities. Without this program, many New Yorkers would not be able to get the care they need and deserve, and home attendants – many of whom are family members – will not be able to survive. This is just another attempt to shift the burden of care onto fewer and fewer workers, for less and less pay. Workers who already have to work 24-hour shifts will have to put in longer hours.

Join us to fight back. What New York needs is not less care but more.

  • We call on Governor Cuomo to fully fund home care, so that people can receive all the care that they need.

  • We call on Governor Cuomo to declare a 24-hour workday illegal: people requiring 24 hours of care should be provided split shifts of 12 hours each to allow home attendants and family caregivers time to rest and people with illnesses and disabilities to receive proper care.

Call us today at 212-358-0295 to learn more and find out how you can get involved! 

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